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Welcome to Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba

Holidays at best price in Brazil!

Welcome to Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba, a beautiful and cozy inn located in the municipality of Cairu, north of the Brazilian state of Bahia. A haven of peace and tranquility in the midst of unspoiled nature and with wonderful views of the beaches of Boipeba and its tropical coast.

Comfort, well-being and rest in the most impressive and wild Brazil. Ideal for travelers who want to relax and discover a true vacation paradise. Fascinating and lonely corners, worthy of the most beautiful postcard. Are you coming to check it out for yourself?

Our facilities, a haven of peace and tranquility

Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba has five cozy rooms and two apartments. All rooms are fully equipped and ensure maximum comfort for our guests. A great accommodation option for couples, newlyweds, families and friends who travel to Boipeba, in Bahia, in search of harmony with an environment that leaves no one indifferent.

The hotel also has a breakfast room, where delicious culinary proposals are served with elaborations typical of the local Brazilian gastronomy from fresh local ingredients. Tastings that will conquer the palate of the most demanding, bite by bite.

The hotel facilities are integrated into the environment. It is the perfect place to disconnect from day to day and enjoy the peace and tranquility that this wonderful island offers.

Praia Cueira es una hermosa playa de gran extensión, con abundante vegetación y cocoteros. Más allá de Cueira se halla Praia Moreré, una de las más conocidas y visitadas. Otra opción que no puedes perderte es Praia de Tassimirim, un paraíso de palmeras, arena dorada y mar azul. Por su parte, Boca de Barra es otra de las impresionantes playas de la isla de Boipeba, donde podrás contemplar cómo las aguas del río do Inferno desembocan en el mar. 

Bainema, por su parte, es aún más larga y virgen que la playa de Moreré, ideal para dar un paseo en compañía de tus allegados. 

Ponta dos Castelhanos es otra de las playas más hermosas de la región; su paisaje cambia según la marea, mostrando corales y formando charcos de agua cristalina. Como curiosidad, debes saber que su nombre, «puente de los castellanos», proviene de un galeón de origen español hundido en el siglo XVII. 

Una recomendación que nunca defrauda a ningún turista es contratar una excursión para observar a las ballenas cuando se dirigen al océano Atlántico, hecho que transcurre durante el mes de septiembre. 

Otras zonas que no puedes perderte son Morro de Sao Paulo, una bonita villa ideal para surfistas y para quienes buscan turismo de playa y diversión; e Itacaré, una zona muy tranquila de playa donde podrás disfrutar de maravillosas puestas de sol. 

Bahía es la zona por excelencia de multitud de turistas que viajan en busca de desconexión. Su cultura es uno de sus máximos exponentes: las figuras baianas y el capoeira, el Carnal de Febrero y el Parque Natural de la Chapada Diamantina son algunos de sus atractivos por descubrir. Asimismo, los lugares más conocidos de turismo de playas son Praia do Forte e Imbassai, cerca de Salvador y la península de la isla de Itaparica. 

How to get there: location and route to the hotel Pousada in Boipeba

Getting to the island of Bopieba can be a long journey; it depends on the place of origin. The closest airport is the Luis Eduardo Magalhaes Diputado Airport (also known as "Dos de Julho"), in Salvador de Bahia. There are connections from Madrid (with the Air Europa airline) and from other regions of Brazil with Latin America (Porto Seguro, Recife, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte…)


From Salvador de Bahía, you have to take a ferry («ferry boat») at the São Joaquim terminal, which crosses the bay and arrives at Bom Despacho, a route that lasts approximately one hour.

In Bom Despacho you have to continue towards Nazare and arrive at Valença or Graciosa; It is a 3 hour journey with a bus, taxi or car connection. Once there, you will find boats with a regular line to arrive at the Boipeba pier:


  • The Dattoli company is in Valença: 1 hour by boat.
  • The Olivenci company is in Graciosa: 30 minutes by boat.

Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba is located at the arrival of Boipeba, just 50 meters from the boat dock. The hotel is located next to the Dattoli boat ticket sales office. Plaza Mayor, Velha Boipeba, is 200 meters away. As a recommendation, it is important to previously check the status of the tides and water currents, since they are frequent and it is pertinent to know their situation, especially if you decide to cross the island on the beach on foot.

Boipeba: what to see and do during your trip

Boipeba is an island located at the mouth of the “Infierno” river, where it meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the Tinharé archipelag and is considered a biosphere reserve and a world heritage site by UNESCO.

The beautiful beaches of Boipeba are characterized by being warm, transparent and calm. The landscape that surrounds us is unique.

The natural pools of Moreré are one of its attractions: when the tide goes out in Moreré, characteristic turquoise pools are formed.

Praia Cueira is a beautiful long beach, with abundant vegetation and coconut trees. Beyond Cueira is Praia Moreré, one of the best known and most visited. Another option that you cannot miss is Praia de Tassimirim, a paradise of palm trees, golden sand and blue sea. For its part, Boca de Barra is another of the impressive beaches on the island of Boipeba, where you can contemplate how the waters of the river do Inferno flow into the sea.

Bainema, for its part, is even longer and more unspoilt than Moreré beach, ideal for taking a walk in the company of those close to you.

Ponta dos Castelhanos is another of the most beautiful beaches in the region; its landscape changes according to the tide, showing corals and forming pools of crystal clear water. As a curiosity, you should know that its name, "bridge of the Castilians", comes from a galleon of Spanish origin sunk in the seventeenth century.

A recommendation that never disappoints any tourist is to hire an excursion to observe the whales when they go to the Atlantic Ocean, a fact that takes place during the month of September.

Other areas that you cannot miss are Morro de Sao Paulo, a beautiful village ideal for surfers and for those seeking beach tourism and fun; and Itacaré, a very quiet beach area where you can enjoy wonderful sunsets.

Bahia is the quintessential area for a multitude of tourists who travel in search of disconnection. Its culture is one of its greatest exponents: the Baianas figures and capoeira, the Carnal de Febrero and the Chapada Diamantina Natural Park are some of its attractions to discover. Also, the best known places for beach tourism are Praia do Forte and Imbassai, near Salvador and the peninsula of the island of Itaparica.

Book online here and now, at the best price guaranteed

Have you decided that your next vacation will be in Boipeba? You have chosen well! Now you only have to formalize your reservation at Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba.

By doing it here, on our official website, you ensure the best price available online, without commissions or extra expenses that include third-party portals such as comparators and tourist accommodation directories.

With us you will get the best conditions so that you only have to worry about the most important thing: enjoying your vacation in Boipeba, Brazil. We look forward to welcome you!

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Boipeba: what to see and do during your trip

Boipeba is an island located at the mouth of the “Infierno” river, where it meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the Tinharé archipelag and is considered a biosphere reserve and a world heritage site by UNESCO.

The beautiful beaches of Boipeba are characterized by being warm, transparent and calm. The landscape that surrounds us is unique.

The natural pools of Moreré are one of its attractions: when the tide goes out in Moreré, characteristic turquoise pools are formed.

Our facilities, a haven of peace and tranquility

Pousada Atracadouro Boipeba has five cozy rooms and two apartments. All rooms are fully equipped and ensure maximum comfort for our guests. A great accommodation option for couples, newlyweds, families and friends who travel to Boipeba, in Bahia, in search of harmony with an environment that leaves no one indifferent.

The hotel also has a breakfast room, where delicious culinary proposals are served with elaborations typical of the local Brazilian gastronomy from fresh local ingredients. Tastings that will conquer the palate of the most demanding, bite by bite.


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